Internet Multi-Tier and Microcomputer Systems

Staples Corporation's web-based system for state sales tax exempt customers. Performed design, management, and implementation tasks on a state sales tax exemption system for Staples. System facilitates multiple multiprocessor NTs running IIS and MTS interacting with thousands of store computers to retrieve real time interview data, scanned documents and customer signatures as required by state laws to allow qualifying customers to make tax exempt purchases. Tax-exempt status is communicated and verified as needed with POS NT machines. The system is an n-tiered ASP and DCom OO design.

Designed for load balancing and efficient utilization of low bandwidth communications between the corporate computing center and the stores.

Components are in VB6 and the web pages from ASP scripts using JavaScript for client-side processing. Features capturing of OPOS compliant signature data and programmatically merging signature images into Adobe PDF files. Template-based reports produced utilizing VBA. Data is accessed via ADO and maintained in an Oracle 8i database. Designed and implemented a hierarchical privilege and security sub-system as well as a database based session management sub-sytem to control who is able to utilize the system and to produce an audit trail of all user activities.

Web Interface to global financial news database.
An ASP system in Visual Basic script allowing a SQL Server database to be built, maintained, and queried via "intelligent" secure web pages by IDC analysts and selected clients.

Internet-based data management utility
Designed and implemented a facility to perform web-based maintenance of files in five mirrored sites on the web simultaneously for e-commerce store. System built in Java 2.0.

Web interface to worldwide financial database
Retained by IDC, a leading international financial analysis group, to produce a multi-tiered web application to enter data and perform retrievals against its extensive worldwide database of statistics and financial information of companies in the Information Technology arena. System built using Java Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs) using JDBC to access a Oracle resident financial database.

Internet Order-Entry System
Utilizing server-side processing with Active Server Pages (ASP) and ODBC to interface with Microsoft's relational SQLServer database system under Microsoft's NT4.0 operating system, designed and implemented a web-based e-commerce "store". Features included automatic email sent to buyers and sellers and a full complement of web-based order retrieval, processing, and credit-card processing capabilities.

Internet web site with secure e-commerce capabilities
For a World Wide Web based catalog email order company, created specifications for programs utilizing CGI, ODBC, and threads under the Windows NT operating system to interactively accept product orders, do pricing, process credit card data, and handle all necessary communications with customers, vendors, and credit card processing companies. Programmed the system using Microsoft Visual C.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Data Acquisition and Retrieval System.
Created functional, technical design and implemented a system allowing Physiatrists and other Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation clinicians to utilize hand-held computers to retrieve and display information for current patient information. The system is speech enabled and features the Internet synchronizing of data between a large number of the hand-held "client" processors and a central "server" with an industrial strength relational database.

Child Behavioral Health System
Performed initial system design for application to utilize a Wide Area Network (WAN) coordinating data and treatment decisions for psychiatrically disturbed children and adolescents. System designed in conjunction with Yale Child Study Center staff to allow their personnel to participate in the treatment of patients of scattered regional centers throughout the state of Connecticut and to subsequently analyze patient data.

Hospital Triaging System
Designed an intranet-based triaging system to be utilized by hospital Emergency Room phone operators to determine appropriate disposition for callers. The system is designed to be utilized by a major New England hospital. It displays screens providing phone operators with questions to ask the callers based on their previous responses and protocols. The protocols contain independently validated decision trees provided by nationally recognized medical groups. The system is designed to retrieve subsequent patient information and outcome data in order to perform on-going analysis to refine its internal protocol and decision trees.

Internet-Based Hospital Length-of-Stay System
Created functional and technical design for an Internet "browser" based predictive system allowing hospitals distributed around the globe to share a common database and utilize neural network prediction technology to predict individual patients length of hospitalization.

Medical Facility Outcome Comparison System
Designed and specified an Internet-based system that provides its medical facility client/users with comparative evaluations of measuring the efficacy of their patient outcomes with other similar facilities based on proprietary data stored in a centralized database. System reports are among limited number of those accredited by the national Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) as a prerequisite for the accreditation necessary to be paid by Medicare and other major insurers.

Wide Area Networked Order-Entry System
For an large international technical book publisher, designed a comprehensive order-entry system. System utilized client/server relational database tables to model the business and allow staff located in many locations throughout the country to enter orders, extract management reports, control inventory, manage customer information, etc. Programmed the ODBC SQL database accesses using the Microsoft Visual C++ integrated development environment.

Graphics Paint System
Co-designed and co-programmed a "paint" system for the IBM PC using a Texas Instruments 9900 display processor.

Interrupt-Driven Protocol
For IBM PC and compatibles, designed and developed, in assembler language, an interrupt driven protocol to facilitate communications with three processors on a special purpose printed circuit card. The processors control video disc players and supervise user specified graphics.

Library Management System
Designed and co-programmed a library management system. The system facilitates the manipulation of library members containing digitized sound, digitized video images, run length encoded graphic images, or character data. The system was written in C and runs on the IBM PC and compatibles.

Memory Management System br> For the IBM PC, developed the functional design of a limited, dynamic overlay facility for memory management. Written in C, this facility manipulates limited memory resources so that large programs can be accommodated.

Multiprocessor Operating System
Specified the design of a multitasking, multiprocessor operating system for one or more Intel 80x86s as well as with some special purpose processors. Written in assembler language, the system is interrupt driven and semaphore oriented. Programmed the logic of the componants of the operating systems in a psudo-code as specifications for the team who then manually "compiled" them into assembler language.

Video Disc System
Participated in the design and programming of a system to provide control of interactive video discs and several XY devices, including touch-sensitive screens, mouse, and tablet. The system also uses graphics to provide industrial training on an IBM PC from a variety of IBM PC languages. Supported languages include dBase, Pascal, C, PL/I, Basic, compiled Basic, and assembler.

Minicomputer and Mainframe System Design

Pension System Design
For MIT's Administrative Information Systems (AIS), developed the functional specifications and subsequently programmed a full pension system for MIT's staff members. Held major design responsibilities and served as project leader. The system was implemented in PL/I using SOFTWARE AG's ADABAS data base management system and IBM's Display Management System (DMS) to control interactive queries and database information management.

Operating and Data Management Systems Design
Created the detailed design of the operating system and data management system for a new generation hardware offering of a minicomputer manufacturer. The operating system provides device independence and supports dynamic memory allocation, resident and transient modules, and task priorities. System resources are allocated through an interrupt-driven scheme. The data management system provides complete device independent input/output facilities, and supports dynamic file allocation, automatic file buffering, file name qualifiers, optional passwords for disk files, and record and file interlocks.

Data Entry System
Designed a complete data entry system for a hardware manufacturer's new minicomputer. Created a functional specification for all user visible components, including the interactive language, retrieval procedures, and test criteria.

Educational Data-Processing Systems
Designed and supervised the implementation of EduSystem/EDP, a widely distributed Digital Equipment Corporation product which is a complete administrative services package for secondary schools. Also defined and led the development effort, for the Harvard Graduate School of Education, of a 140-program system to perform administrative data-processing services for secondary schools.

Natural Language Data Processing

Linguistic and Content Analyses of Folk Tales
Conducted a study of the feasibility of creating an interactive computer system to perform linguistic and thematic analyses of the folk tales of the Ixil, a Mayan Indian people. Designed syntactic analyses and statistical procedures. Outlined alternative designs and implementation plans for each of several hardware/software environments in which the system might be used. Programmed a system that created the first published dictionary of the Ixil Indian language.

Speech Pattern Analysis
Assisted in designing a study to detect and analyze changes in speech patterns of patients and psychiatrists during extended therapy relationships.

Language, Compiler, & Operating System Development

Archive Data Retrieval System
Participated in the specification of the overall design and user language of an interactive retrieval program to serve as the major component of a proposed generalized information management and retrieval system.

Generalized Programming Language
Designed a higher level, procedurally oriented language for social science applications and programmed the language's compiler in Assembler language for IBM mainframe computers.

RPG Compiler
Supervised the design, implementation, documentation, and installation of an RPG compiler and associated software for a mini-computer hardware manufacturer.

Multiprocessor Operating System

Consulted with the hardware manufacturer in the detailed design of a multiprocessor operating system which controlled all system resources by interacting with the microcomputer embedded in each peripheral device.

Compiler Languages
Originated, designed, and supervised the development of three compiler languages for early generation hardware.

Matching Compiler
Designed a system to evaluate each record in one dataset in comparison with all records in another in accordance with specifications in a special-purpose higher level user language. Co-programmed the system in assembler language for IBM mainframe systems.

Scientific Programming

Numerical Analysis
Helped physicists at Avco-Everett Research Labs visualize relationships implied by data observations and make subsequent projections. Program applied least squares techniques to data points representing physical observations in order to select and graph an optimal polynomial curve fit.

Re-entry Physics Application
Software that dynamically modeled the changing geometry of a re-entry space vehicle in order to better understand the nose cone ablation and turbulant and laminar gaseous flow of the gas plasma around differing shapes of re-entering vehicles.