Lecturing Experience

1966-presentCambridge Computer Associates
Cambridge, MA
Conducts seminars and classes on a variety of topics in this country and abroad, including the use of specific software in research areas; the UNIX operating system; and the use of Cambridge Computer Associates’ own proprietary software packages.

1996-presentThe Arcon Group, Inc.
New york, NY
Present papers and lectures at various professional meetings on the subjects of "The Medical Applications of Artificial Neural Nets" and their use in predicting patient's functional recovery as well as the use of the Internet for collecting, analyzing, and centrally archiving medical data.

1992 Open Software Foundation (OSF)
Cambridge, MA
Lectured on the architecture, features and functions of OSF's Unix based operating system, OSF1. Lectures delivered in various domestic and foreign locations

1963-1966 Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Taught courses in computer science with the goal of familiarizing educators with emerging information-processing technologies.

1992Open Software Foundation (OSF)
Cambridge, MA
Lectured on the architecture, features and functions of OSF's Unix based operating system, OSF1. Lectures delivered in various domestic and foreign locations.

1998-present Medical College of Wisconsin
Assistant Clinical Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Milwaukee, WI
Work focused on the Physical Medicine Inventory (PI) software system designed and developed by MCOW and the Arcon Group.